
Non-invasive Endometrial Receptivity Test

What is oraTM?

oraTM is the world’s first non-invasive endometrial receptivity test that allows determining the optimal window of implantation (WOI) for a patient. It evaluates a combination of microRNA (miRNA) biomarkers in the bloodstream and physiological conditions to determine the status of the patient’s endometrium and provides information that can be used to optimize implantation timing.

What is endometrial receptivity and the implantation window (WOI)?

Endometrial receptivity refers to the state of your uterine lining in relation to its ability to accept an embryo. The WOI is the period during which the uterine lining, the endometrium, has the ideal thickness and consistency for embryo implantation. This usually occurs between the 19th and 21st day of the menstrual cycle, but it can vary among individuals.

Some patients have a shifted WOI, meaning that the optimal time for embryo transfer occurs earlier or later than average, leading to insufficient synchronization between the embryo and endometrium, resulting in implantation failure.

When oraTM can help:

  • In cases of repeated implantation failure

How can you benefit?

oraTM assesses the state of your uterine lining and determines the optimal time for embryo transfer. This unique endometrial receptivity test provides fast and reliable results, helping to improve pregnancy success rates for patients who have previously experienced implantation failure.

The oraTM Process

  1. Undergo a trial cycle to create conditions for the IVF cycle.
  2. Your doctor will take a blood sample on the 4th* and 5th day of progesterone administration or the 6th* and 7th day in natural cycles (after LH surge or hCG trigger injection).
  3. Your sample will be sent to the oraTM laboratory for processing and data analysis.
  4. Your doctor will receive an oraTM analysis report, informing them of the optimal time for embryo transfer.

*Additional blood sample collection on the 4th day of the HRT cycle or the 6th day of the natural cycle depends on the doctor’s practice. A single blood sample collection on the 5th day increases the likelihood of requiring an additional trial cycle.

Sample Processing Steps

Step 1
Fill out the sample processing and consent form

Step 2
Schedule blood sample collection

Step 3
Collect blood samples

Step 4
Process blood samples

Step 5
Store the sample

Step 6
Send the sample for analysis

Why choose oraTM?

oraTM uses novel miRNA biomarkers present in the blood to accurately identify a patient’s WOI using simple blood samples taken on the 4th and 5th day of the trial cycle*. This unique endometrial receptivity test provides fast and reliable results, improving pregnancy success rates for IVF patients who have previously experienced implantation failure.

*We recommend collecting blood on both the 4th and 5th day to account for a shortened post-receptive WOI. However, healthcare providers may choose to perform a single blood draw on the 5th day.


oraTM analyzes miRNA biomarkers in the blood, eliminating the need for invasive and uncomfortable endometrial biopsy.

One Trial Cycle

By collecting blood on the 4th and 5th day, oraTM accounts for both average and shortened post-receptive window values, meaning patients require only one trial cycle regardless of their endometrial stage.

High Precision

oraTM has been proven to have >95% accuracy in predicting endometrial receptivity, offering a reliable solution with a more convenient testing procedure. The need for retesting due to inconclusive results or insufficient/invalid RNA occurs in <1% of cases.

Comprehensive Analysis

oraTM analyzuje téměř 300 biomarkerů miRNanalyzes nearly 300 miRNA biomarkers targeting over 1,000 genes related to endometrial receptivity, ensuring precise identification of the optimal embryo transfer timing.


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